Monday, June 18, 2007

the big move

so i decided to start a blog since i'm really starting a new chapter in life. recently i received an opportunity to move to Dallas and take a position as a youth worship pastor. after some prayer, we decided it was the right move to make. they asked if i could move within the month. so i have 2 weeks till i permanantly move to Dallas (actually Plano, a suburb right outside of Dallas) and then i will be a resident of Texas! i'm so stoked... God is so awesome. He opened this door for me and i really do give him all the glory.

so here are a few of my job responsibilities: leading worship for multiple youth services, overseeing all videos and media for services, all sound/technical/lighting for services, and all drama and creative arts. i will also have my hand in discipleship ministry and small groups. i will have a full plate, but i like it that way!

be sure to keep checking here to stay updated on whats going on. i'll post as much as possible! make sure to find me on myspace! oh, and here is the link to the youth ministry i will be working with:

Oh, and if you or anyone you know has furniture they are willing to part with, let me know. I need furniture! thanks!

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